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Whether you’re looking to hire a designer for the first time, a designer looking for advice, or just someone who likes to read short-form articles (apparently they exist), there’s something for you all below.
Five rules to nail your Edinburgh Fringe poster design
A stroll/scroll-stopping EdFringe poster is a must for getting those bums on seats. And after ten years of helping productions market themselves, I know a thing or two about how you can make sure you get the goods you need without shelling out unnecessary ££s.
🎵 All I want for Christmas is a new brand 🎵
Thinking of gifting yourself a fresh new look for the new year? Exciting! Crafting a new brand for your business is a big thrill, and it naturally throws up all kinds of questions about how the whole thing works. Queries and concerns I’ve heard include….
How to go freelance (and stay that way)
Ready to fly by the seat of your pants and make your own work rules? Yay! As a fully paid-up member of the not-at-all secret society of freelance designers, I can tell you that fewer things are more fun and fulfilling (workwise). The flip side is there’s often something scary lurking in the corner, ready to leap out and knock you off balance.
No freelancer is an island
And nor should they be. Sure, most of the time freelancing is a solo journey - but having a few pals with complementary skills to ride the rollercoaster with you is no bad thing.
Is Canva the Comic Sans of the design world?
Oof! The shade of associating the newest design tool kid on the block with the most trolled typeface on the planet. The short answer though, is no. Far from being a shady design option, it's a great app that’s easily accessible and can take the sting out of creating graphics on a budget. BUT! You can easily run amok among the never-ending selection of templates, elements and fonts with disastrous results. Something I see more often than I’d like.
Branding is stressful, but Basic Branding can literally save your life
The stress of starting a business or working for yourself is as real as it gets. It’s like one day you’re at school, surrounded by nice adults who are literally paid to ensure you do not perish (and learn stuff, I guess). Then, the next day you’re suddenly the adult and oh god suddenly you’re the person in charge, except the one who’s paying you is also supposed to be you. So, yeah — it’s stressful.
What’s worse is that “being good at what you do” isn’t even enough any more: now you also have to look the part and present well. So, naturally, you google ‘Branding’ and you’re hit with two options: either you pay someone to take care of this nightmare for you, or you go full DIY and graduate from MS Paint to full-blown Photoshop (with a minor in web design and Illustrator).
How designers can help build your brand (without breaking the bank)
Whether you’re the founder of a small business, the man-child owner of a rubbish social media platform, or the brilliant and charismatic mastermind behind a world-class design blog that my mum “sometimes reads,” you won’t get very far without professional branding. And even then, it might not save your rubbish social media site.
What to watch out for when you’re hiring a designer
I’ve come up with a number of things to look out for when you’re hiring or working with designers. These should help you work out whether you’re dealing with an honest-to-goodness flesh-and-blood human being who you can trust with your brief… or a goblin.
The absolute and very real rules for briefing a graphic designer
In case you’re not too familiar, briefs are what we call the little dance of social anxiety that graphic designers and prospective clients perform before any real work is done.
Designing for the Fringe
I’ve been to the Edinburgh Fringe every August since 2012, and usually spend the week wandering around eating all the pastry, drinking all the coffee, and taking every flyer I’m given. The festival is such a great place to pick up some design inspiration that I always come home with a rucksack crammed to the brim with hundreds of pieces of paper, and enough ticket stubs to plaster the outside of my house.